Unabashed Queer of the Week: Queef Latina AKA The L Word

September 4th, 2009


Latoofah is such a roughneck brother, I could m’bate to her in “Set It Off.” 

She be gettin reeeaallll lax about her “personal life,” praise be to my gay god.

The L Word (as I will now refer to her) has been going out to lesbian clubs and now there’s a photo of her with female strippers.  Somebody’s about to come out the closettttt. 

I can smell it and it smell like a fish fry, a clambake, a bearded  clambake.  Go on Lateef, I got your back.  I’ll be your Vivica A. and your motherfuckin’ Jada P-S.  I got you girl!

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